Many things have happened since our last post – the most notable of which was one of us got sick. He’s mostly better now, but unfortunately it slowed work on Infinity a bit. We still did have the time and ability to implement the following items:

  • A basic enemy framework and a dummy enemy ship has been written; the framework is in place but it has no behavior other than sitting there.
  • The code that allows projectiles to track targets. This was a bit difficult, but it is really cool now to see them tracking the dummy enemy ship.
  • Explosion effects for projectiles.
  • A parallax effect for the background stars.
  • An upgrade to the screen resolution to be Xbox size (1280×1024). This still needs a little work as code written to manage the in-game objects is a bit fragile right now.
  • Much more tweaking of the particle effects to look optimal under the widest variety of settings.

Also, our controller that we were using for testing broke, so until we can order a replacement, we have rigged a passable keyboard control scheme. We can only fire straight up but hey, it works!

New shots of the revised weapon and explosion effects:



It looks much more impressive in action, so we’ll be sure to create a video soon!