First, the shiny new stuff: A couple of screenshots of the heavily tweaked weapon particle system, now featuring a glow to the particle trails (among other things):



(Be sure to click on them for the full detail)

The Mercury Particle engine people not only released a solid particle engine, they released some awesome particle textures along with it. Thanks so much guys!

Now, you may be thinking after that last blog post, ‘”But I don’t want to customize my ship! i just want to do battle with the awesome variety of enemies you made!”. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We plan to add Ship and Weapon Profiles into the game, which are preconfigured ship stat sets for you to use. They let you dive right into battle without worrying about how to best customize your ship. All available profiles will be visible to you from the start of the game, but most will be locked due to insufficient ship points to use them.

Another thing we forgot to post about is our ultimate target platform. Since there’s really only one best platform in reach of XNA for overhead shooters, we’re eventually targeting the 360 (but working on windows till we are ready to publish to Xbox Live Indie Games, to avoid paying the fee prematurely).